Check if a String is a Number Using a Custom is_number() FunctionThe following example demonstrates how to create a custom function is_number() to determine if a string is a number.Example (Python 3.0···
Swapping Two Variables in PythonThe following example demonstrates how to swap the values of two variables entered by the user.Example 1: Using a Temporary Variable#Userinputx=input('Enterthevalue···
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit in PythonThe following example demonstrates how to convert Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit.Example:#-*-coding:UTF-8-*-#UserinputforCelsiustemperaturecelsius=float(input···
Formula for the Area of a CircleThe formula to calculate the area of a circle is:Area=πr2\text{Area} = \pi r^2Area=πr2Where rrr is the radius of the circle.Example 1: Calculating the Area of a Circl···
Calculating Square RootsThe square root, also known as the second root, is denoted as \sqrt{}. For example, in mathematical notation: 16=4\sqrt{16} = 416=4. In descriptive language: "The square r···
Python Standard Library OverviewThe Python Standard Library is vast, offering a wide range of components. By using the standard library, you can effortlessly accomplish various tasks.Here are some of ···
Namespaces in PythonA namespace is a mapping from names to objects. Most namespaces are currently implemented as Python dictionaries.Namespaces provide a way to avoid naming conflicts in a project. Ea···
Common Errors for Python Beginners When starting with Python programming, beginners often encounter error messages. In this chapter, we will focus on these errors, which were not covered previously. P···
Input and Output in PythonIn the previous chapters, we’ve already encountered Python's input and output functionalities. In this chapter, we will take a deeper dive into Python's input and ou···
Python DecoratorsDecorators in Python are an advanced feature that allows you to dynamically modify the behavior of functions or classes.A decorator is essentially a function that takes another functi···