Common sense of management--What is management

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Action Is More Important Than Mission

Drucker insightfully articulated the essence of management: "Management is a practice; its essence lies not in knowledge but in action. Its validation is not in logic but in results; its sole authority is in achievement." The classics of management stem from attention to and insight into management practices, and they lead practice through interaction with it, which defines the practicality of management classics.

Taylor's principles of scientific management solved the problem of maximizing labor efficiency, Weber's administrative organization and Fayol's management principles addressed the maximization of organizational efficiency, Herzberg's two-factor theory clarified the relationship between motivation and satisfaction, Porter’s competitive strategy answered how to gain a competitive advantage, and Drucker enlightened us about the issues with knowledge workers.

Management must always be rooted in practice. Without effective management practices, we cannot truly summarize management experiences or develop theory.

The goal of management is to enhance efficiency—this is something Drucker and we all agree on.

If we dissect the efficiency discussed in management, we find labor efficiency, organizational efficiency, and personal efficiency.

When the sequence is reversed, we see management failure. Personal efficiency requires conditions that must be provided by the organization. If there is no output from labor productivity, organizational efficiency is impossible; without organizational efficiency, personal efficiency cannot exist.

Management masters answer the most basic understanding of management: efficiency.

Knowing and doing as one is not just an ideal; it should be a habitual action.

Every generation needs new revolutions.

Common sense of management--What is management

China's Future Economic Growth Depends on Management Progress

Management cannot be guided by achievements; it must be problem-oriented.

The definition of a manager is to ensure that your superiors and subordinates achieve performance.

Management has two attributes: practice and experience, as well as knowledge (theory).

Anything that can be regulated can be turned into knowledge; once it becomes knowledge, it can be replicated and learned.

The goals of management arise from the discovery of problems. For instance, the case of a child wearing sandals in winter led to the establishment of a charity fund, with the goal of ensuring he could sustainably wear cotton shoes.

Management is defined as the process of working with people and resources within an organization to achieve a goal.

Economic Growth Rate = Contribution of Labor + Contribution of Capital + Total Factor Productivity (TFP)

TFP measures production efficiency, and it has three sources: 1) Efficiency improvement, 2) Technological progress, and 3) Scale effect.

The release of labor value has surpassed everyone's expectations—largely due to the strong desire for wealth among Chinese people. Capital value has also been released in recent years. As for TFP, it still lags behind in terms of efficiency improvement compared to the U.S.

Increasing output, improving efficiency, and ensuring sustained economic growth in China remain priorities.

Management is evaluated through results and external assessments, not by personal judgment.

Often, external growth aids in business growth.

Creating a habit and atmosphere of result validation makes management simple and effective.

The Core Value of Management: Empowering People

The core value of management is to activate people. When people, tasks, and resources are combined, the output should be maximized.

The first level of value is maximizing the value of employees.

The second level of value is unlocking employees' potential.

The third level of value is tapping into the potential of the team.

In organizational management, the core value is enabling people who are initially unqualified to become qualified.

Management Is About Turning Theory into Common Sense

The deviation in managers' understanding of management often leads to ineffective work.

Everyone has the potential to fully contribute to the organization. Everyone can solve their own problems, and every manager can help subordinates achieve performance and growth. More importantly, due to effective management behavior, tasks that seemed unachievable can be accomplished, leading to greater output from the same resources.

Whether it’s practice or anything else, if it cannot be applied to daily life and behavior, it is not the best. The same goes for management theory. Management is about turning theory into common sense.

What Is Management?

Management is not about right or wrong; it is about facing facts and solving problems.

Management ensures that after people and resources are combined, they are used to do the most effective work.

Understanding Management

  1. Management Means Ensuring Subordinates Understand What Is Most Important
    Management involves making decisions and ensuring that everyone executes them.

    When evaluating subordinates, there are three poor terms:

    Management at every level means ensuring the next level knows what they need to do clearly.

    1. "Perception"

    2. "Understanding"

    3. "Guessing"

  2. Management Is Not About Right or Wrong—It’s About Facing Facts and Solving Problems
    The concept of right or wrong is irrelevant in management. Even if you prove yourself right but the management results are poor, the proof is meaningless.

  3. Management Is About Managing Tasks, Not People
    In Japan, quality management is the most famous type of management, stemming from on-site management. The "5S" activities are a prime example of this: sorting, setting in order, shining, standardizing, and sustaining.

  4. The Only Standard to Measure Management Is the Alignment of Personal and Organizational Goals
    Loyalty should be measured by employees' contributions to organizational goals.

  5. Management Is About Ensuring Front-Line Employees Have and Can Use Resources
    The most important management resources are human and financial resources. Management must ensure that front-line employees have resources and authority to use them.

My Perspective on Management

Having a clear management perspective leads to clear management behavior and appropriate management standards.

  1. Management Is Only Responsible for Performance
    In management, we need to achieve good results in the shortest time possible.

    People often care about their contributions but not whether these contributions translate into performance.

  2. Management Is About Distribution
    Management involves the distribution of power, responsibility, and benefits based on responsibilities.

  3. Management Always Serves Operations
    Management serves operations. The operational capability is about doing the right things, while management capability is about doing things right.

This format emphasizes the core ideas and highlights the importance of action, efficiency, and practical management. Let me know if you need further adjustments!