Python Tutorial (33) – Example: Slicing and reversing a string

Time: Column:Python views:274

Rotate and Reverse a String

In this section, we will demonstrate how to take a specified number of characters from the head or tail of a given string, rotate them, and concatenate the results in reverse order.


def rotate(input, d): 
    # Head slicing and rotation
    Lfirst = input[0 : d] 
    Lsecond = input[d :] 
    # Tail slicing and rotation
    Rfirst = input[0 : len(input)-d] 
    Rsecond = input[len(input)-d : ] 
    # Printing results
    print("Head slice rotated: ", (Lsecond + Lfirst))
    print("Tail slice rotated: ", (Rsecond + Rfirst))
if __name__ == "__main__": 
    input = 'Runoob'
    d = 2  # Slice and rotate 2 characters
    rotate(input, d)


Head slice rotated:  noobRu
Tail slice rotated:  obRuno

In this example:

  • We take the first two characters from the head or tail and rotate the string by concatenating the remaining part with the sliced section.

  • The first operation rotates the head, and the second operation rotates the tail of the string.