Python Tutorial (40) - Built-in Functions

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Built-in Functions in Python (2024)

Note: Some functions have minimal changes compared to Python 2.x. They may directly link to the built-in function explanations in the Python 2.x tutorial, so be sure to pay attention to the details.

The following are Python's built-in functions:

abs()Returns the absolute value of a number.
all()Returns True if all elements of the iterable are true.
any()Returns True if any element of the iterable is true.
ascii()Returns a readable version of an object, replacing non-ASCII characters with escape sequences.
bin()Converts an integer to its binary equivalent.
bool()Converts a value to True or False.
bytearray()Returns an array of bytes.
bytes()Returns an immutable bytes object.
callable()Returns True if the object appears callable, otherwise returns False.
chr()Returns the string representation of a character from its Unicode code.
classmethod()Converts a method into a class method.
compile()Compiles source into a code or AST object.
complex()Returns a complex number.
delattr()Deletes an attribute from an object.
dict()Creates a new dictionary.
dir()Attempts to return a list of valid attributes of an object.
divmod()Returns a pair of numbers (quotient, remainder).
enumerate()Returns an enumerate object.
eval()Evaluates a Python expression.
exec()Executes the Python code.
filter()Constructs an iterator from elements of an iterable for which a function returns true.
float()Converts a string or a number to a floating-point number.
format()Returns a formatted representation of a value.
frozenset()Returns a new frozenset object.
getattr()Returns the value of the named attribute of an object.
globals()Returns the global symbol table as a dictionary.
hasattr()Returns True if the object has the given named attribute.
hash()Returns the hash value of an object.
help()Invokes the built-in help system.
hex()Converts an integer to its hexadecimal equivalent.
id()Returns the identity of an object.
input()Reads a line of input from the user.
int()Converts a value to an integer.
isinstance()Checks if an object is an instance or subclass of a class or tuple of classes.
issubclass()Checks if a class is a subclass of another class.
iter()Returns an iterator object.
len()Returns the length (number of items) of an object.
list()Creates a new list.
locals()Returns the current local symbol table as a dictionary.
map()Applies a function to every item of an iterable.
max()Returns the largest item in an iterable.
memoryview()Returns a memory view object.
min()Returns the smallest item in an iterable.
next()Retrieves the next item from an iterator.
object()Returns a new featureless object.
oct()Converts an integer to its octal equivalent.
open()Opens a file and returns a corresponding file object.
ord()Returns the Unicode code of a character.
pow()Returns the value of x raised to the power of y.
print()Prints the given object(s) to the console.
property()Returns a property attribute.
range()Returns a sequence of numbers.
repr()Returns a string representation of an object.
reversed()Returns a reverse iterator.
round()Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.
set()Returns a new set object.
setattr()Sets an attribute of an object.
slice()Returns a slice object.
sorted()Returns a sorted list from the items in an iterable.
staticmethod()Converts a method into a static method.
str()Returns a string object.
sum()Sums the items of an iterable.
super()Returns a proxy object that delegates method calls to a parent or sibling class.
tuple()Returns a tuple object.
type()Returns the type of an object.
vars()Returns the __dict__ attribute of an object, if defined.
zip()Returns an iterator that aggregates elements from multiple iterables.
__import__()Called by the import statement.
reload()Reloads a previously imported module.

This list of built-in functions provides a quick overview of the powerful tools Python offers for various operations. For more detailed explanations and examples, visit the PMeve Python Documentation.

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