Flutter (94): Drawing (I) Drawing Principles and Layer

Flutter (94): Drawing (I) Drawing Principles and Layer

1 Flutter Rendering PrinciplesIn Flutter, there are three objects related to rendering: Canvas, Layer, and Scene:Canvas: Encapsulates various drawing instructions of Flutter Skia, such as drawing line···
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Flutter (93): Layout process

Flutter (93): Layout process

Layout ProcessThe layout process primarily determines the layout information (size and position) for each component. The Flutter layout process is as follows:The parent node passes constraint informat···
Time: Views:299
Flutter (91): Element, BuildContext and RenderObject

Flutter (91): Element, BuildContext and RenderObject

1 Elementwe introduced the relationship between Widgets and Elements. We know that the final UI tree is composed of individual Element nodes. We also mentioned that the layout and rendering of compone···
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Flutter (90): Flutter UI Framework

Flutter (90): Flutter UI Framework

1 What is a UI Framework?we discussed that Flutter is divided into three layers: the framework layer, the engine layer, and the embedding layer. We noted that developers primarily interact with the fr···
Time: Views:243
Flutter (89): Common issues with internationalization

Flutter (89): Common issues with internationalization

This section primarily addresses common issues encountered in internationalization.1 Incorrect Default LocaleIn some Android and iOS devices purchased from non-mainland channels, the default locale ma···
Time: Views:316
Flutter (88): Using the Intl package

Flutter (88): Using the Intl package

1 Adding DependenciesBy using the Intl package, we can not only easily implement internationalization but also separate string texts into individual files, facilitating collaboration between developer···
Time: Views:284
Flutter (86): Make App support multiple languages

Flutter (86): Make App support multiple languages

1 IntroductionIf our application needs to support multiple languages, we need to "internationalize" it. This means that during development, we need to set "localized" values for ea···
Time: Views:202
Flutter (84): Packages and plugins

Flutter (84): Packages and plugins

This section will introduce packages and plugins in Flutter, along with some commonly used packages, but will not cover specific implementations.12.1.1 PackagesIn Chapter 2, we discussed how to use pa···
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Flutter (82): Using Socket API

Flutter (82): Using Socket API

82.1 Introduction to SocketsThe Socket API is a set of basic, standardized APIs provided by the operating system to implement application-layer network protocols. It encapsulates transport-layer netwo···
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