Python Tutorial (24) - Data Structures

Python Tutorial (24) - Data Structures

Python Data StructuresIn this section, we will introduce Python data structures, incorporating the knowledge we've learned in previous chapters.ListsIn Python, lists are mutable, which is the most···
Python Tutorial (23) - Decorators

Python Tutorial (23) - Decorators

Python DecoratorsDecorators in Python are an advanced feature that allows you to dynamically modify the behavior of functions or classes.A decorator is essentially a function that takes another functi···
Python Tutorial (22) - lambda (anonymous function)

Python Tutorial (22) - lambda (anonymous function)

Python Lambda FunctionsPython uses the lambda keyword to create anonymous functions.A lambda function is a small, anonymous, inline function that can have any number of arguments but only one expressi···
Python Tutorial (21) - Functions

Python Tutorial (21) - Functions

Functions in Python: Organizing Code for ReusabilityFunctions are organized, reusable blocks of code used to perform a single or related function. Functions improve the modularity of an application an···
How to Listen for Android Physical Volume Key Events

How to Listen for Android Physical Volume Key Events

In Android application development, there are many instances where we need to listen for physical volume button presses to implement specific functionalities. This article will help beginner developer···
Python Tutorial (20) - Iterators and Generators

Python Tutorial (20) - Iterators and Generators

IteratorsIteration is one of Python's most powerful features, offering a way to access the elements of a collection.An iterator is an object that remembers its position during traversal.It begins ···
Python Tutorial (19) - Comprehensions

Python Tutorial (19) - Comprehensions

Python Comprehensions: A Unique Data Processing MethodPython comprehensions offer a powerful and concise way to generate new sequences from existing ones. These comprehensions support creating lists, ···
Python Tutorial (18) - First Steps in Programming

Python Tutorial (18) - First Steps in Programming

In the previous tutorials, we have already learned some basic syntax of Python3. Now, let's try some examples.Print a String:Exampleprint("Hello,world!")Output:Hello,world!Print Variable···
Python Tutorial (17) - Loop Statements

Python Tutorial (17) - Loop Statements

Introduction to Python Loops This chapter introduces how to use loop statements in Python. Python has two types of loop statements: for and while. Here is a control structure diagram of Python loop st···
Python Tutorial (16) - Conditional Control

Python Tutorial (16) - Conditional Control

Python Conditional StatementsPython's conditional statements are used to decide the flow of code execution based on the result of one or more statements (True or False).The following diagram gives···
Python Tutorial (15) - Collections

Python Tutorial (15) - Collections

Sets in PythonA set is an unordered collection of unique elements. In a set, elements are non-repetitive, and sets support common operations such as intersections, unions, and differences.You can crea···
Python Tutorial (14) - Dictionary

Python Tutorial (14) - Dictionary

Dictionaries in PythonA dictionary is another mutable container model that can store any type of object.Each key-value pair in a dictionary is written as key => value and separated by a colon (:). ···