5.2.1 DecoratedBoxDecoratedBox allows you to draw some decorations (like background, border, gradients, etc.) either before (or after) its child component is rendered. The definition of DecoratedBox i···
In the previous section, we discussed how, through Stack and Positioned, we can specify one or more child elements' precise offsets relative to the edges of their parent element, allowing them to ···
When introducing Row and Column, if a child widget exceeds the screen bounds, an overflow error will occur, as shown below:Row( children: <Widget>[ Text("xxx" * 100), ],); The result i···
The so-called linear layout refers to arranging child components either horizontally or vertically. In Flutter, linear layouts are implemented using Row and Column, similar to the LinearLayout control···
Layout widgets typically contain one or more child widgets, and different layout widgets arrange (or layout) their child widgets in various ways, as shown in Table 4-1 below:WidgetDescriptionUsageLeaf···
The Material component library provides two types of progress indicators: LinearProgressIndicator and CircularProgressIndicator. Both can be used to indicate either a precise progress or an indetermin···
The Material component library provides the TextField input box component and the Form component. Let's introduce them one by one.20.1 TextFieldThe TextField is used for text input and offers many···
The Material component library provides various button components such as ElevatedButton, TextButton, OutlinedButton, and others. All of these buttons are either directly or indirectly custom wrappers···
16.1 TextThe Text widget is used to display simple styled text. It contains several properties for controlling the appearance of the text. Here’s a simple example:Text("Helloworld",textAlig···
In a Flutter app, the installation package contains both code and assets. Assets are resources that are bundled into the installation package and can be accessed at runtime. Common asset types include···