Flutter (73): Self-drawn example: circular background gradient progress bar

Time: Column:Mobile & Frontend views:251

In this section, we will implement a circular background gradient progress bar with the following features:

  • Support for multiple background gradient colors.

  • Arbitrary arc angles; the progress bar does not need to form a complete circle.

  • Customizable thickness, rounded ends, and other styles.

As we can see, it's impossible to achieve such a progress bar using existing components alone, so we will implement it through custom drawing. The code is as follows:

import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class GradientCircularProgressIndicator extends StatelessWidget {
  const GradientCircularProgressIndicator({
    Key? key,
    this.strokeWidth = 2.0,
    required this.radius,
    required this.colors,
    this.strokeCapRound = false,
    this.backgroundColor = const Color(0xFFEEEEEE),
    this.totalAngle = 2 * pi,
  }) : super(key: key);
  /// Thickness
  final double strokeWidth;

  /// Radius of the circle
  final double radius;

  /// Whether the ends are rounded
  final bool strokeCapRound;

  /// Current progress, value range [0.0-1.0]
  final double value;

  /// Progress bar background color
  final Color backgroundColor;

  /// Total angle of the progress bar; 2*PI forms a complete circle, less than 2*PI forms an arc
  final double totalAngle;

  /// Gradient colors
  final List<Color> colors;

  /// Stops for the gradient, corresponding to the `colors` attribute
  final List<double> stops;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    double _offset = .0;
    // If the ends are rounded, we need to adjust the starting position to avoid misalignment
    // The formula for this adjustment is derived from geometric principles. Feel free to explore why this is the case.
    if (strokeCapRound) {
      _offset = asin(strokeWidth / (radius * 2 - strokeWidth));
    var _colors = colors;
    if (_colors == null) {
      Color color = Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary;
      _colors = [color, color];
    return Transform.rotate(
      angle: -pi / 2.0 - _offset, 
      child: CustomPaint(
          size: Size.fromRadius(radius),
          painter: _GradientCircularProgressPainter(
            strokeWidth: strokeWidth,
            strokeCapRound: strokeCapRound,
            backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
            value: value,
            total: totalAngle,
            radius: radius,
            colors: _colors,

// Painter implementation
class _GradientCircularProgressPainter extends CustomPainter {
    this.strokeWidth = 10.0,
    this.strokeCapRound = false,
    this.backgroundColor = const Color(0xFFEEEEEE),
    this.total = 2 * pi,
    @required this.colors,

  final double strokeWidth;
  final bool strokeCapRound;
  final double value;
  final Color backgroundColor;
  final List<Color> colors;
  final double total;
  final double radius;
  final List<double> stops;

  void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
    if (radius != null) {
      size = Size.fromRadius(radius);
    double _offset = strokeWidth / 2.0;
    double _value = (value ?? .0);
    _value = _value.clamp(.0, 1.0) * total;
    double _start = .0;

    if (strokeCapRound) {
      _start = asin(strokeWidth/ (size.width - strokeWidth));

    Rect rect = Offset(_offset, _offset) & Size(
        size.width - strokeWidth,
        size.height - strokeWidth

    var paint = Paint()
      ..strokeCap = strokeCapRound ? StrokeCap.round : StrokeCap.butt
      ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke
      ..isAntiAlias = true
      ..strokeWidth = strokeWidth;

    // Draw the background
    if (backgroundColor != Colors.transparent) {
      paint.color = backgroundColor;

    // Draw the foreground with gradient
    if (_value > 0) {
      paint.shader = SweepGradient(
        startAngle: 0.0,
        endAngle: _value,
        colors: colors,
        stops: stops,


  // Always return true for now; in practice, this should depend on whether the painter's properties have changed.
  bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) => true;


Next, let's test it. To showcase the various appearances and uses of the GradientCircularProgressIndicator, this example code is relatively long and includes animations. We recommend that readers run the example to see the actual effects. Below is a snapshot of one frame of the animation (Figure):

Flutter (73): Self-drawn example: circular background gradient progress bar

Example Code:

import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import '../widgets/index.dart';

class GradientCircularProgressRoute extends StatefulWidget {
  const GradientCircularProgressRoute({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  GradientCircularProgressRouteState createState() {
    return GradientCircularProgressRouteState();

class GradientCircularProgressRouteState extends State<GradientCircularProgressRoute> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
  late AnimationController _animationController;

  void initState() {
    _animationController = AnimationController(
      vsync: this,
      duration: const Duration(seconds: 3),
    bool isForward = true;
    _animationController.addStatusListener((status) {
      if (status == AnimationStatus.forward) {
        isForward = true;
      } else if (status == AnimationStatus.completed || status == AnimationStatus.dismissed) {
        if (isForward) {
        } else {
      } else if (status == AnimationStatus.reverse) {
        isForward = false;

  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SingleChildScrollView(
      child: Center(
        child: Column(
          crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
          children: <Widget>[
              animation: _animationController,
              builder: (BuildContext context, child) {
                return Padding(
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16.0),
                  child: Column(
                    children: <Widget>[
                        spacing: 10.0,
                        runSpacing: 16.0,
                        children: <Widget>[
                            // No gradient
                            colors: const [Colors.blue, Colors.blue],
                            radius: 50.0,
                            strokeWidth: 3.0,
                            value: _animationController.value,
                            colors: const [Colors.red, Colors.orange],
                            radius: 50.0,
                            strokeWidth: 3.0,
                            value: _animationController.value,
                            colors: const [Colors.red, Colors.orange, Colors.red],
                            radius: 50.0,
                            strokeWidth: 5.0,
                            value: _animationController.value,
                            colors: const [Colors.teal, Colors.cyan],
                            radius: 50.0,
                            strokeWidth: 5.0,
                            strokeCapRound: true,
                            value: CurvedAnimation(
                              parent: _animationController,
                              curve: Curves.decelerate,
                            turns: 1 / 8,
                            child: GradientCircularProgressIndicator(
                              colors: const [Colors.red, Colors.orange, Colors.red],
                              radius: 50.0,
                              strokeWidth: 5.0,
                              strokeCapRound: true,
                              backgroundColor: Colors.red.shade50,
                              totalAngle: 1.5 * pi,
                              value: CurvedAnimation(
                                parent: _animationController,
                                curve: Curves.ease,
                            quarterTurns: 1,
                            child: GradientCircularProgressIndicator(
                              colors: [
                              radius: 50.0,
                              strokeWidth: 3.0,
                              strokeCapRound: true,
                              backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
                              value: _animationController.value,
                            colors: [
                            radius: 50.0,
                            strokeWidth: 5.0,
                            strokeCapRound: true,
                            value: _animationController.value,
                        colors: [Colors.blue.shade700, Colors.blue.shade200],
                        radius: 100.0,
                        strokeWidth: 20.0,
                        value: _animationController.value,

                        padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16.0),
                        child: GradientCircularProgressIndicator(
                          colors: [Colors.blue.shade700, Colors.blue.shade300],
                          radius: 100.0,
                          strokeWidth: 20.0,
                          value: _animationController.value,
                          strokeCapRound: true,
                      // Clip half-circle
                        child: Align(
                          alignment: Alignment.topCenter,
                          heightFactor: .5,
                          child: Padding(
                            padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 8.0),
                            child: SizedBox(
                              child: TurnBox(
                                turns: .75,
                                child: GradientCircularProgressIndicator(
                                  colors: [Colors.teal, Colors.cyan.shade500],
                                  radius: 100.0,
                                  strokeWidth: 8.0,
                                  value: _animationController.value,
                                  totalAngle: pi,
                                  strokeCapRound: true,
                        height: 104.0,
                        width: 200.0,
                        child: Stack(
                          alignment: Alignment.center,
                          children: <Widget>[
                              height: 200.0,
                              top: .0,
                              child: TurnBox(
                                turns: .75,
                                child: GradientCircularProgressIndicator(
                                  colors: [Colors.teal, Colors.cyan.shade500],
                                  radius: 100.0,
                                  strokeWidth: 8.0,
                                  value: _animationController.value,
                                  totalAngle: pi,
                                  strokeCapRound: true,
                              padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 10.0),
                              child: Text(
                                "${(_animationController.value * 100).toInt()}%",
                                style: const TextStyle(
                                  fontSize: 25.0,
                                  color: Colors.blueGrey,

How cool is that! The GradientCircularProgressIndicator has been added to the author's maintained Flukit component library. Readers can directly depend on the Flukit package if needed.