34.1 Clipping WidgetsFlutter provides several clipping widgets to clip components:Clipping WidgetDefault BehaviorClipOvalClips a square child into a circle or a rectangular child into an ellipse.ClipR···
33.1 ContainerWe have used the Container component multiple times in previous examples. In this section, we will take a closer look at the Container component. The Container is a composite container c···
TransformTransform can apply matrix transformations to its child component when rendering, allowing for various visual effects. Matrix4 is a 4D matrix through which we can perform different matrix ope···
5.2.1 DecoratedBoxDecoratedBox allows you to draw some decorations (like background, border, gradients, etc.) either before (or after) its child component is rendered. The definition of DecoratedBox i···
30.1 PaddingPadding allows adding spacing (or white space) to its child nodes, similar to the margin effect. We’ve already used it in many examples before, but now let’s take a closer look at its de···
No matter what kind of code you write, it will eventually be executed by the CPU. Therefore, if you want to write high-performance code, the techniques mentioned in this article are definitely worth s···
Threads and Smart PointersNow, let's return to the unresolved issue mentioned earlier: I want to share a read-only piece of data, such as a large array, across multiple threads. I can't clone ···
This article aims to explore some challenges in programming through the lens of Rust's language design, particularly its important programming paradigms, as this approach may offer deeper insights···
Alternative String ComparisonIn Java's Play Framework, there is a piece of code used to verify the validity of data in cookies (sessions), which includes signature validation, as shown below:boole···
The list of the "Top 100 Consumer-Grade Generative AI Applications" is curated by the leading investment firm a16z. This edition was released in August 2024, with the selection criteria prim···
Before delving into usage tips, let's revisit the basics of ChatGPT:ChatGPT is a natural language processing model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) archit···
This article discusses several principles of system architecture that are generally applicable to relatively complex businesses. If you are dealing with simple applications with low traffic, you may d···
When I connect to my colleague's interface, all the interfaces he defined are post requests. The reason is that post is safer for https. I am used to using restful APIs. If only post requests are ···
Why Use ETCDLet’s start by discussing why we use ETCD, particularly in the context of our API gateway, Easegress (source code).Easegress is an API gateway product developed and open-sourced by us. Un···
To provide some context, EaseProbe is a lightweight, standalone tool for health-checking services. It supports HTTP, TCP, shell, SSH, TLS, hosts, and various middleware checks. It can directly send no···
29.1 LayoutBuilderWith LayoutBuilder, we can access the constraints information passed by the parent component during the layout process, allowing us to dynamically construct different layouts based o···